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Maternal fetal medicine (MFM) provides routine ultrasound services for all maternity patients as well as specialized care for high-risk pregnancies, fully integrated with your overall obstetrical care.

MFM specialists are obstetrician gynecologists (OB/GYNs) who have additional training in ultrasound and the assessment and management of high-risk pregnancies. This additional care complements the care provided by obstetricians and family medicine physicians, and is focused on providing comprehensive assessment and care for the high-risk mother and fetus in order to achieve the optimal outcome for both.

MFM services include:

  • Routine ultrasounds for all pregnancies
  • Care of pregnant women with specific medical problems, such as heart disease, hypertension, clotting disorders, thyroid disease, renal disease and substance abuse, and enhanced care programs for pregnant women with diabetes or a high risk of pre-term labor
  • Care of pregnant women at risk for complications such as preeclampsia, placental abruption, incompetent cervix, multiple gestation, recurrent pregnancy loss and history of stillbirth
  • Care of fetuses with complications related to amniotic fluid abnormalities, chromosomal abnormalities, congenital anomalies, fetal anemia, genetic diseases, growth abnormalities such as intra-uterine growth restriction, and medication exposure
  • Coordination of care for mothers and fetuses whose conditions require that delivery happen at a facility equipped with a neo-natal intensive care unit. Our close working relationship with major medical centers such as UMASS Memorial Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and others, provides a seamless transition between our top-notch pre- and post-delivery care and labor and delivery at those facilities.

Procedures and services used for monitoring and treating both uncomplicated and high-risk pregnancies include:

  • First and second trimester genetic ultrasounds and screening
  • Non-invasive cell free fetal DNA testing to screen for chromosomal abnormalities
  • Detailed prenatal ultrasound (2D, 3D and 4D)
  • Fetal testing, including non-stress test and biophysical profile
  • Genetic counseling
  • Invasive fetal testing, including chorionic villus sampling (CVS), amniocentesis and percutaneous umbilical blood sampling, fetal transfusion and other in-utero procedures
  • Surgery, including cerclage placement
  • Consultative services for all other aspects of prenatal care

Billing and Payment Information

Please check with your insurance carrier about your specific coverage, copays and deductibles as well as any prior authorization requirements. Billing for MFM office visits will come from Day Kimball Medical Group (DKMG). Billing for ultrasound, lab tests and surgery will come from Day Kimball Hospital as well as our partner providers.

If you have questions regarding your DKMG bill, please contact the DKMG business office at (860) 928-9270. If you have questions related to other bills, or if you need help in paying for care, please contact our team of financial counselors at Day Kimball Hospital at (860) 963-6337 (at the prompt, enter option 2). For more information visit our billing page.

Other Services Integrated with Maternal Fetal Medicine

Women’s Health: OB/GYN
Women's Health: Maternal Child Health
Diagnostic Services: Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Services: Laboratory and Blood Draw
Primary Care: Family Medicine
Primary Care: Pediatrics
Surgical Care
In-Home Care

Related Areas of Interest

Women's Health: Overview
Day Kimball Hospital: Campus Map & Directory
Day Kimball Hospital: Admissions Information
Day Kimball Hospital: Visitor Information
Day Kimball Hospital: Burdick Family Birthing Center

Locations, Hours and Contact Information

Day Kimball Medical Group | Maternal Fetal Medicine 
Hillside Professional Building 
346 Pomfret Street 
Putnam, CT 06260 
Get directions >

Phone: (860) 928-0870

Fax: (860) 928-0832

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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